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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Letters letter78 - To Abu Musa al-Ash`ari in Reply to the Latter’s Letter Regarding the Two Arbitrators. Sa’id ibn Yahya al-Umawi Has Mentioned this in His Akitab Al-Maghazi

letter78 - To Abu Musa al-Ash`ari in Reply to the Latter’s Letter Regarding the Two Arbitrators. Sa’id ibn Yahya al-Umawi Has Mentioned this in His Akitab Al-Maghazi

Certainly, many people have turned away from many a (lasting) benefit (of the next life), for they bent towards the world and spoke with passion. I have been struck with wonder in this matter upon which people who are conceited have agreed. I am providing a cure for their wound but I fear lest it should develop into a clot of blood (and becomes incurable). Remember that nobody is more desirous than I for the unity of the umma of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) and their solidarity. I seek through it good reward and an honorable place to return to.
I shall fulfill what I have pledged upon myself even though you may go back from the sound status that existed when you last left me because wretched is one who is denied the benefit of wisdom and experience. I feel enraged if anyone utters falsehood, or if I should worsen a matter which Allah has kept sound. Therefore, leave out what you do not understand because wicked people will be conveying to you vicious things; and that is the end of the matter.

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